Follow these steps in the above video:
- Navigate to the /jumpers page.
- Locate your personal donation button by typing your name into the search bar.
- Once there, highlight your complete name and copy it (Ctrl+C).
- Click into your browser’s address bar (you should now see
- Amend this text to the end of that address: #:~:text=
- Then, paste the name you just copied, after the equals sign (Ctrl+V).
- Now highlight that entire link and copy&paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) it into a new browser window’s address bar (e.g. FAMILY).
- Hit ENTER (to test).
- If entered correctly, the new browser window should jump directly to your section of the page.
- Click into this browser window’s address bar, highlight the entire URL and copy (Ctrl+C).
- Paste (Ctrl+V) this clickable link you just copied into your favorite place to share—social media, email, text, etc.
Voilà! You now have a direct, clickable link that brings JJ donors directly to your donation button.