Danny, an otherwise healthy 37-year-old, is a father of two young boys, Rory (6) and Remy (3). He is married to his high school sweetheart, Courtney. They have lived in Abington for six years. On September 3rd, 2024, after dropping our son off for his first day of kindergarten, Danny went to urgent care due
Category: Jump updates
Follow these steps in the above video: Navigate to the /jumpers page. Locate your personal donation button by typing your name into the search bar. Once there, highlight your complete name and copy it (Ctrl+C). Click into your browser’s address bar (you should now see http://jollyjump.org/jumpers) Amend this text to the end of that address:
Our 2020 Top Dog Zach Littman got the ball rolling early for our 17th annual plunge. He pulled quickly into the lead and never looked back, tallying donations from 52, count them, 52 individual sponsors. That could be a Jolly Jump record for most donors. And we think he may have had a guardian angel
Good lookin’ crew Thank you!, Jolly Jumpers, Sponsors, and lovely Landlubbers cheering us on at the beach. For those of you who missed our Facebook message, the Jolly Jump Staff extends our sincerest gratitude for your support this year, our 16th Annual Leap. You truly made it special. We enjoyed the most ever jumpers and
Immunology—the branch of medicine concerned with immunity and the immune system—and cancer research have united to develop a cancer treatment in which doctors train the body’s immune system cells to isolate cancer cells from healthy ones. The aggressive immune cells target the cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy cells. And then, these immune system agents
JOHN FRANEY We welcome aboard Mr. John Franey. This Abingtonian has already garnered attention and funds from Tesla/SpaceX entrepreneur Elon Musk. (Fun fact about Elon Musk: he’s also the co-founder of PayPal, which facilitates the Jolly Jump’s online donations.) I hear he’s hitting up Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos for a cash donation to
Old-school form displayed at my workstation… also, the instructions to dial out to the UK After talking to a few of the top earners over the years, it became quite clear that consistency, a relentless attitude, and constant reminders to the people in your life who want to contribute to your Jolly Jump campaign are
Those of you core jumpers remember the early days of the Jolly Jump, when we didn’t have a website. Back then, we’d record donations the old-fashioned way—by paper and pen. We’ve since modernized, and collect most donations online. There is something to be said about good ole paper, though. It’s a great way to keep
Tessa LaPointe got the ball rolling for the other jumpers in her family. Now it’s time to return the favor! DONATE TO TESSA KRISTIANLAPOINTE MARCUS & SARAH LaPOINTE LAUREN, JOSH, KIDS LaPOINTE TORPEYFAMILY
Brittany & Brian Minnehan Last year’s Grassroots Awards winners put on a fundraising display like no others. They leveraged every channel at their disposal to garner donations from more than 50 individuals. We just had to know how they did that! Did you set out to reach a lot of people from the get-go?