Capt. Ed Devin avenges for a cure

Captain Eddie Devin 2019: Chronicles of The Captain continue We’ve been jumping for nearly two decades now. And some standouts have emerged from the frigid waters over the years. One of them is two-time Top Dog, Ed Devin. The Captain. We’ve profiled The Captain before, but thought it wise to delve deeper into the psyche

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Leaderboard updates in real time

There can be only one Top Dog. There were actually two Top Dogs in 2019. The Jolly Jump Top Dogs represent the pinnacle in fundraising prowess for that given year. They are the gold standard when it comes to our frigid mission. Though, as in anything in life, some jumpers may come and go throughout

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2018’s Sweet Sixteen

Two thousand and eighteen hosted one of our closest races to the Top Dog yet. Eight of the top 10 fundraisers cleared $1,000 in donations. Nine and 10 weren’t far behind. Combined, the total earnings of our top, sweet-16 jumpers tallied more than half of the $42,000 Deb & Jackie’s Jolly Jump raised for families

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Kristian Lapointe is coming in hot

From left: Younger, Faster, Better Looking Coming in hot is an understatement. In his rookie year, this Jumper blasted onto the scene with a lead over The GOAT Tugboat for the Top Dog Spot. Instead of getting older, our Jumpers have been getting younger, faster, and better looking, in new recruits like Kristian LaPointe. This former collegiate

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Double-A: Dedicated core jumper

Allen Annis, Core Jumper Poring through the Jolly Jump archives, I’ve noticed Allen Annis is always an early adopter of our annual cause. He’s a core jumper who’s consistent dedication to Conquer Cancer with his fellow jumpers is laudable to say the least. He’ll say it’s because he’s Irish, but this veteran has Jolly Jump

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Rusty’s good and you?

The many phases of Rusty Josh Russell is a core jumper who’s brought his Jolly flare to the plunge each year. He’ll greet you with a ‘Good. And you?’ every time we meet. And that’s just because he’s a polite lad. It’s jumpers like Josh that have kept us going in what is now our

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Meet the Crowley Boyz

From left: Shane Crowley, Mr. Crowley Himself, Jared Crowley **** It may not look like it in this photo, but it takes huge cojones to Jolly Jump in a Speedo. SIDE NOTE: If you happen to get down to the beach a little early, this year, it may look like the Town of Marshfield Parks Department is clearing the

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